We all have equal opportunities in this wonderful Creation of ours if we want and try.
Nature's dispensation is simple. Each of us has been a field of Life. We all are free to sow whatever we want in this field , which is our Karma Kshetra (Field of Action). In other words we must eat the fruits of our own harvest.
This is identical with the Biblical idea that 'whatever a man (woman) sow that he or she reap'
Islam also declare the same in a different way and so other religions. Not only this there are so many other similarities but they we carry them out may be different which depends upon ones back ground and tradition and there is no need to convert anybody as they are all the same. This is the fundamental truth in all religions of this world. We tend to do for selfish reasons with Ignorance which always hits back in Time!
TIRU ONAM: Declared as a TOURIST FESTIVAL by the Government Onam which is a festival of ten days culminates on the final day is called TiruOnam and surprisingly there is a town by that name (TiruOnam) in the Tanjavour district of Tamilnadu and it shows the popularity of this holy festival.
Those of us who wants to know this historical festival, please click the link below to read all aspects of this festival We were very fortunate a few years ago, we happened to be at AmritaPuri, in Kollam district of God's own country (Kerala) in the presence of thousands of devotees to have a darshan of Amma (Mata AmritAnanda mayi Devi) who was prophesied by Swami Vivekanda just before he left his mortal coil in a discourse to the fortunate few. Amma's Golden Birthday (50) was celebrated about a few years ago which was broadcast ed Live world wide was a feast for both eyes and ears. On TiruOnam day we got TiruOnam lunch (Biksha) from the divine hands of Amma and the joy we felt has no bounds.
Those of you who wants to know this remarkable soul who travels all over the world every year to give a hug of LOVE to millions of souls, please click the link below
Please click the link below to watch/listen a melodious songs which depicts various aspects of Onam
Please do not forget to watch other videos in the same page
And for Sisters & Brothers of God's own country to spend TiruOnam evening with bliss to all the family, please click the link below
And finally may we send our greetings on this sacred day and please click the link to view
With Love, Light & Peace to all,
Monday, 31 August 2009
Thursday, 20 August 2009
We all know the purpose of this rare human life for which we all try to have good thoughts, speak good words and do good actions by which we gain Punyam and of course knowingly or unknowingly we all do numerous papams as well and we need to born again in various forms to meet the consequences of our behaviour in this life and there is no escape.
Now how we are going to get the mission of our life which is Liberation from this worldly life (samsara) or moksha or Nirvana. Not every body can achieve this only a few fortunate ones like SriRamaKrishna, Sri Ramana Maharshi. For this to achieve all our papas should be cancelled by our punya without leaving either of them, when there is no need for another birth. But we all need to try our best to achieve this end result as some souls got it before. Hope this explanation can make some sense but I could not get any reference about this on the net. IF ANY BODY KNOWS ANY OTHER EXPLANATON, PLEAE KET ME KBOW KINDLY.
GANESH CHTURTHI OR VINAYAKA CHAVITHI: falls on this coming Sunday, August 23rd all over the world except in Fiji which follows on Monday, August 24th.
Andhan ko ankh det, kodhin ko kayaBanjhan ko putra det, nirdhan ko mayaSurya shaam sharan aye, safal kije seva.
Jai Ganesh, jai Ganesh, jai Ganesh deva,Mata jaki Parvati, Pita Mahadeva...
English Translation of the Hindi Hymn:
Glory to you, O Lord Ganesha!Born of Parvati, daughter of the Himalayas, and the great Shiva.
O Lord of compassion, you have a single tusk, four arms, A vermilion mark of on your forehead, and ride on a mouse. People offer you betel leaves, blossoms, fruits And sweets, while saints and seers worship you.
Glory to you, O Lord Ganesha!Born of Parvati, daughter of the Himalayas, and the great Shiva.
You bestow vision on the blind, chastened body on the leprous, Children on the sterile, and wealth on the destitute. We pray to thee day and night, please bestow success upon us.
Glory to you, O Lord Ganesha!Born of Parvati, daughter of the Himalayas, and the great Shiva.
To know more about Ganesh, please click the link below
http://hinduism.about.com/od/festivalsholidays/a/ganeshchaturthi.htm?nl=1 or
To listen and watch Ganesh Pancha Ratna sthotram daily especially on His Birthday is really Blissful by clicking the link below
To perform Ganesh pooja and to listen Ganesh katha (story) both in audio/video form in seven parts by all the family on Sunday, please click the link below but please be patient to download/for buffering
http://www.teluguvideos.in/album.php?id=32&Vinayaka_Chavithi_Pooja_Vidhanam_and_Katha in Telugu
Those of you who want to listen only to perform Pooja & katha, please click the link below and click Vinayaka chavithi on the left to listen in Telugu again
All others who want to perform pooja in English, please click the link below to read all the procedure in English!
Those Telugu sisters who prefer to read in Telugu pooja vidhanam, please click the link below to download
There are a number of Telugu audio songs including Ganesh Suprabhatam etc to enjoy by all the family in the afternoon after lunch on Sunday, please click the link below to enjoy
I hope all these will fill the whole Sunday for you all,
Now how we are going to get the mission of our life which is Liberation from this worldly life (samsara) or moksha or Nirvana. Not every body can achieve this only a few fortunate ones like SriRamaKrishna, Sri Ramana Maharshi. For this to achieve all our papas should be cancelled by our punya without leaving either of them, when there is no need for another birth. But we all need to try our best to achieve this end result as some souls got it before. Hope this explanation can make some sense but I could not get any reference about this on the net. IF ANY BODY KNOWS ANY OTHER EXPLANATON, PLEAE KET ME KBOW KINDLY.
GANESH CHTURTHI OR VINAYAKA CHAVITHI: falls on this coming Sunday, August 23rd all over the world except in Fiji which follows on Monday, August 24th.
Andhan ko ankh det, kodhin ko kayaBanjhan ko putra det, nirdhan ko mayaSurya shaam sharan aye, safal kije seva.
Jai Ganesh, jai Ganesh, jai Ganesh deva,Mata jaki Parvati, Pita Mahadeva...
English Translation of the Hindi Hymn:
Glory to you, O Lord Ganesha!Born of Parvati, daughter of the Himalayas, and the great Shiva.
O Lord of compassion, you have a single tusk, four arms, A vermilion mark of on your forehead, and ride on a mouse. People offer you betel leaves, blossoms, fruits And sweets, while saints and seers worship you.
Glory to you, O Lord Ganesha!Born of Parvati, daughter of the Himalayas, and the great Shiva.
You bestow vision on the blind, chastened body on the leprous, Children on the sterile, and wealth on the destitute. We pray to thee day and night, please bestow success upon us.
Glory to you, O Lord Ganesha!Born of Parvati, daughter of the Himalayas, and the great Shiva.
To know more about Ganesh, please click the link below
http://hinduism.about.com/od/festivalsholidays/a/ganeshchaturthi.htm?nl=1 or
To listen and watch Ganesh Pancha Ratna sthotram daily especially on His Birthday is really Blissful by clicking the link below
To perform Ganesh pooja and to listen Ganesh katha (story) both in audio/video form in seven parts by all the family on Sunday, please click the link below but please be patient to download/for buffering
http://www.teluguvideos.in/album.php?id=32&Vinayaka_Chavithi_Pooja_Vidhanam_and_Katha in Telugu
Those of you who want to listen only to perform Pooja & katha, please click the link below and click Vinayaka chavithi on the left to listen in Telugu again
All others who want to perform pooja in English, please click the link below to read all the procedure in English!
Those Telugu sisters who prefer to read in Telugu pooja vidhanam, please click the link below to download
There are a number of Telugu audio songs including Ganesh Suprabhatam etc to enjoy by all the family in the afternoon after lunch on Sunday, please click the link below to enjoy
I hope all these will fill the whole Sunday for you all,
Monday, 3 August 2009
We all take it for granted in everyday life and also complain about so many things, without remembering how lucky we are able to see as soon as we get up in the morning and able to walk, talk and see ourselves and about this wonderful creation as though we own everyrthing.
At the same time there are so many souls in different parts of this world would struggle to provide the basic requirements to themselves and their families at least in thousands if not in millions! Why this situation presents for some not for others. It is very difficult to give any valid reason this sort of situation. We can have our own conclusions.
The three essential things required for the basic survival of the living kingdom is of course, air, water and food in that order of importance. Even before these three essentials, there are even more essential things we require to have our survival. I am sure we all can guess what they are. They are nothing bur the 5 elements for the origin, sustenance and destruction namely Srushti, Sthiti and Laya done by Brahma, Vishnu & Maheswara with the help of their concerts, Saraswathi, Lakshmi and Parvathi or Mahakali who are derived from Adi Para Shakthi, who is the ultimate responsibility of everything in this universe to which some people name as BRAHMAN Not Brahmin we all know about.
The Five Elements are Earth, Water, Air, Fire and Space which are interdependent in so many ways. These five elements are essential for our survival but we need an intelligent soul to use these to produce food, namely FARMER without whom we all cannot exist for long. Such is the importance of this farmer community from where, most of us come any where in the world from villages.
This year in 2009, there are so many parts of the world are waiting, doing prayers to have rain in time for all of us. The reason for lack of rains in some parts of the world India including is unknown in spite of the modern science!
let us see what TiruKural, revealed by Tiruvalluvar says about rain which is as follows
Kural 11
It is the unfailing fall of rain that sustains the world. Therefore, look upon rain as the nectar of life.
Kural 12
Rain produces man's wholesome food; and rain itself forms part of his food besides.
Kural 13
Though oceanic waters surround it, the world will be deluged by hunger's hardships if the billowing clouds betray us.
Kural 14
When clouds withhold their watery wealth, farmers cease to ply their plows.
Kural 15
It is rain that ruins, and it is rain again that raises up those it has ruined.
Kural 16
Unless raindrops fall from the sky, not a blade of green grass will rise from the earth.
Kural 17
The very nature of oceans, though vast, would diminish if clouds ceased to take up water and replenish rain's gifts.
Kural 18
Should the heavens dry up, worship here of the heavenly ones in festivals and daily rites would wither.
Kural 19
Unless the heavens grant their gifts, neither the giver's generosity nor the ascetic's detachment will grace this wide world.
Kural 20
No life on Earth can exist without water, and water's ceaseless flow cannot exist without rain.
Those of us who are not familiar, please click the link below
Some of us are fortunate to visit kanyakumari in Tamilnadu the farthest part of south India where we can witness Swami Vivekanada's Rock where Swami meditated.
Those who are not familiar this sacred place, please click the link below where you can find about Kanyakumari and other holy places if you want in India in the left side of the same page
Even when the five elements are kind and the farmers produce food for all, still thousands of unfortunate children are dying from starvation daily in front of our eyes without any faults of their own and we can appreciate how lucky we all are which we never bather even to think because of our busy schedules to become rich, richer and richest which has no measurement, by spending a few minutes to watch the reality in front of our own eyes which can shed a tear or two I guess!
With Love, Light & Peace to all,
At the same time there are so many souls in different parts of this world would struggle to provide the basic requirements to themselves and their families at least in thousands if not in millions! Why this situation presents for some not for others. It is very difficult to give any valid reason this sort of situation. We can have our own conclusions.
The three essential things required for the basic survival of the living kingdom is of course, air, water and food in that order of importance. Even before these three essentials, there are even more essential things we require to have our survival. I am sure we all can guess what they are. They are nothing bur the 5 elements for the origin, sustenance and destruction namely Srushti, Sthiti and Laya done by Brahma, Vishnu & Maheswara with the help of their concerts, Saraswathi, Lakshmi and Parvathi or Mahakali who are derived from Adi Para Shakthi, who is the ultimate responsibility of everything in this universe to which some people name as BRAHMAN Not Brahmin we all know about.
The Five Elements are Earth, Water, Air, Fire and Space which are interdependent in so many ways. These five elements are essential for our survival but we need an intelligent soul to use these to produce food, namely FARMER without whom we all cannot exist for long. Such is the importance of this farmer community from where, most of us come any where in the world from villages.
This year in 2009, there are so many parts of the world are waiting, doing prayers to have rain in time for all of us. The reason for lack of rains in some parts of the world India including is unknown in spite of the modern science!
let us see what TiruKural, revealed by Tiruvalluvar says about rain which is as follows
Kural 11
It is the unfailing fall of rain that sustains the world. Therefore, look upon rain as the nectar of life.
Kural 12
Rain produces man's wholesome food; and rain itself forms part of his food besides.
Kural 13
Though oceanic waters surround it, the world will be deluged by hunger's hardships if the billowing clouds betray us.
Kural 14
When clouds withhold their watery wealth, farmers cease to ply their plows.
Kural 15
It is rain that ruins, and it is rain again that raises up those it has ruined.
Kural 16
Unless raindrops fall from the sky, not a blade of green grass will rise from the earth.
Kural 17
The very nature of oceans, though vast, would diminish if clouds ceased to take up water and replenish rain's gifts.
Kural 18
Should the heavens dry up, worship here of the heavenly ones in festivals and daily rites would wither.
Kural 19
Unless the heavens grant their gifts, neither the giver's generosity nor the ascetic's detachment will grace this wide world.
Kural 20
No life on Earth can exist without water, and water's ceaseless flow cannot exist without rain.
Those of us who are not familiar, please click the link below
Some of us are fortunate to visit kanyakumari in Tamilnadu the farthest part of south India where we can witness Swami Vivekanada's Rock where Swami meditated.
Those who are not familiar this sacred place, please click the link below where you can find about Kanyakumari and other holy places if you want in India in the left side of the same page
Even when the five elements are kind and the farmers produce food for all, still thousands of unfortunate children are dying from starvation daily in front of our eyes without any faults of their own and we can appreciate how lucky we all are which we never bather even to think because of our busy schedules to become rich, richer and richest which has no measurement, by spending a few minutes to watch the reality in front of our own eyes which can shed a tear or two I guess!
With Love, Light & Peace to all,
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