Sunday, 26 October 2008


Dear Sisters & Brothers, Hope you all had a pleasant Naraka Chaturdasi especially in South india where it is considered as the main festival of Diwali. Deepavali means Row of Lights.

Om asato ma sadgamaya,Tamaso ma jyotir gamaya, Mrityor ma amritam gamaya.
Lead us from falsehood to truth; from Darkness to light; from Death to immortality and from Lethargy to Activity.

In many parts of India, it is the homecoming of King Sri Rama of Ayodhya after a 14-year exile in the forest. The people of Ayodhya (the capital of his kingdom) welcomed Sri Rama by lighting rows (avali) of lamps (deepa), thus its name, Deepavali. This word, in due course, became Diwali in Hindi. But, in South Indian languages, the word did not undergo any change, and hence the festival is called Deepavali in southern India. Southern India marks it as the day Lord Krishna defeated the demon Narakasura.
On this Deepavali Amavasya day, apart from Lakshmi Puja, it is also the day on which Kedareswara Vratam is celebrated (Lord Siva)
Kedareshwara Vrata is an auspicious observance to be performed on Diwali Amavasya. Usually, on the day of Kedara Vratam, married women or married couple worship Lord Shiva. Kedareshwara is one of the other names of Lord Shiva.

Kedareshwara Vrata observence starts from Aswayuja Bahula Ashtami (8th day in 2nd half of the month – Aswayuja) and culmintes on Aswayuja Bahula Amavasya (the last day of the month – Aswayuja). In 2008, Kedara Vratam starts on 22nd October, Wednesday and culminates on 28th October, Tuesday.

Kedereswara Puja vidhanam

Please click the link above to perform Kedareswara Vratam properly with the usual rituals and Mantras which lasts for 45 minutes which may be appropriate in the evenings as it takes longer time but it is preferable to do in the morning for those it is possible. Whenever you do is not that much importance but devotion is must.
For those who would like Lakshmi Puja, please click the link and follow the procedure

To recite or listen Sri Lakshmi Sthotras, please clink the link below
For more Lakshmi slokas, please click the link below,67803&mode=3&rand=0.9570289936388618&bhcp=1

Let us hope, we all will have a very Blissful day on this Diwali 2008 with family and friends wherever we are with the Grace of Kedareswara & Sri Maha Lakshmi.
With Love, Light & Peace to all,

1 comment:

Any One said...

Karthika Masam, The complete day by day pooja, snana procedure and the puram itself. Along with all the Sthotrams and Mantras are available at

The Specific Link is

Also the Kedareswara Vratam and Ksheerabdhi Dwadasa Vratam are present.

Please visit and utilize