Nagula Chavithi, also known as Naagula Chaviti, is a highly auspicious day dedicated to Nagas (Cobras) in Andhra Pradesh and adjoining areas. It is celebrated on the fourth day after Deepavali in Kartik month . In many places, it is a three day festival – Nagula Chavithi is followed by Naga Panchami and Naga Sashti on the following days. The day is of great importance in Naga Temples in the state. In 2009, the date of Nagula Chavithi is October 22. Naga Panchami date is October 23 and Naga Shashti date is October 24. It is widely celebrated only in Andhra Pradesh and is associated with the legend of Samudra Manthan. It is believed that Lord Shiva drank the poison Halahala or Kalkuta to save the universe on this day.
The main event on the day includes pujas and prayers in Naga temples across the state.
Worship of Nagas is a constant reminder to humans to live in harmony with Nature. And the ideal way to worship Nagas is by protecting the forests and grooves that are home of snakes and other animals.
Why should we do this ritual? A this time of the year usually early in the morning it is rather cold and snakes in the fields come out of their homes and eat rats which destroy the crops to give us more yield.
Snakes in fresh water kill most of the micro organisms to give safe water for drinking. They are also responsible to make the soil fertile for the crops. We can see how useful these snakes are for humans,and we are very grateful what they do and we need to show gratitude to feed them with milk on Nagula chavithi.
This is our glorious culture recommended by our ancestors.
The way the snakes sit curling downwards and sits straight with a hood which exactly resembles humans sitting cross legs with a straight back (spinal cord) 'Vennu Pusa in Telugu and the hood is our head.
The act of poring pure milk on the hood of snake is in fact the milk which is pure knowledge is being pored on our heads to have good thoughts and to speak good words and act sensibly. This is the spiritual meaning of Nagula chavithi. I hope it makes some sense of the importance of Nagula chavithi.
Nagula Chavithi Puja is celebrated by women for their children. They worship the Serpent God for good health for their children. Women observe fast and perform pooja. Women offer milk as a naivedyam (food offering) at the snake hills or snake pits (Valmeekam / Putta).
In some places, people perform the ritual of Nagula Chavithi Puja at home installing an idol or placing a picture of serpent God. On this day, Seven Hooded Cobra is worshipped.
After breaking the fast, women along with their families gather at snake hills or snake pits. They pour milk and offer eggs on the snake pits and worship the serpent God to bless them with prosperity.
Nagula Chavithi Puja A Ritual For Better Health of Children:While Nagula Panchami (Nag Pachami) is celebrated for brothers good health, Nagula Chavithi puja is observed for children better health. Married women consider the puja as very auspicious occasion of the year for their children.
On the day of Nagula chavithi, our sisters chant Sarpa Mantra or stotra
This mantram or stotram gives an idea of all eight major serpent Gods. Reciting or chanting this mantram everyday makes devotees free from ‘Sarpa bhayam’ (fear from snakes) and ‘Sarpa dosham’
.Sarpapasarpa bhadranthe dooram gachcha mahavishaJanamejaya yaganthe asthika vachanam smaraAnanthaya namasthubhyam sahasra shirasthe namahaNamosthu padmanabhaya nagaanaam pathaye namahaAnantho vasukim sheshah takshakah kaliyasthadah.
Now let us listen a beautiful song about NagAmma by clicking the link below
And I wonder how many of us remember Nagula chavithi Telugu film in 1956? Please click the link below to listen songs from that film
And lastly let us less than a minute and to be precise 31 seconds to watch a young Telugu lady praying NagAmma on Nagula chavithi by clicking the link below
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Wednesday, 21 October 2009
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