Saturday, 16 October 2010


We all are in the highest order of all living organisms but we all have a duty to perform certain activities to make this height position in the living kingdom and all the faculties are gifted by Nature to perform those rituals.Without any exception all living things are made up of Pancha bhutas or elements of Nature but for the plants and animals Nature has provided the necessary activities as they have no faculties to perform as we all can do. That is the reason we are in the height est order of the living kingdom.The Panchabhutas or 5 elements are responsible for all what happens to us including health and ill-health! which our bodies perform accordingly but we need to assist our bodies to perform those activities, otherwise the opposite effects would result. That is the reason, we are only responsible whatever happens to all of us including, physical welfare, mental welfare and even spiritual welfare. It is amazing how the Nature is involved for the whole survival of this universe.
We are nothing but Panchabhutas or 5 elements.A superficial introduction to the five elements:Earth is the lowest element. Shape is square, colouryellow, sense is smell, function is elimination(anus), deity is Ganesha, chakra is muladhara, bija is"Lam."Water is the second element. Shape is crescent, coloursilver, sense is taste, function is reproduction (sexorgan), deity is Vishnu, chakra is svadishtana, bijais "Vam."Fire is the third element. Shape is triangle, colourred, sense is vision, function is transportation(feet), deity is Surya, chakra is manipura, bija is"Ram."Air is the fourth element. Shape is round, colour blueor black, sense is touch, function is manipulation(hands), deity is Shiva, chakra is anahita, bija is"Yam."Akasha (Space) is the highest element. Shape is likea flame, colour purple, sense is hearing, function iscommunication (throat), deity is Devi, chakra isvishuddha, bija is "Ham." Source: Indiadivine
We know these Pancha bhutas are responsible for our health of all our faculties and if we abuse these five elements, the result is ill health which can make our life miserable and not able to enjoy our lives.If we correctly respect and use these five elements in a right way which we are able to do can protect us from ill health and enjoy life. Let us see how we can utilise these elements for our good health (OGH)We already know we are we what we breath, what we drink and eat which we get from Air, Water, Sun, Earth to give Shakti or Energy which is the basis of our own existence.This sort of living is called Prakruti Jeevana Vidhanam (PJV) or in English The Natural way of Living)The most essential element of our Nature is Oxygen which comes from Air without which we cannot live not more than a few seconds. But our great Rishis in the past who were born only in India can live without breathing for long time with some advanced techniques which made them to live hundreds of years and that is the greatness of our Bharat.To have pure oxygen and use our lungs function efficiently and fully we need to breath deep daily for 10 minutes or so that it becomes as habit. Exercise, swift walk and gym activities all help to have proper breathing which is essential for OGH.The next important element is Water which is about more than 70% of body weight and we need to drink plenty of water up to 4 litres a day depending on where we live and age again to get OGH. Water also helps us by way of Water treatments like feet bath, hands bath, steam bath, spinal bath etc.We all need to have natural food which comes from nature without modifying it for the sake of our small tongue which can spoil OGH. WE NEED TO EAT WHAT OUR BIDIES NEED NOT WHAT WE WANT TO BE TASTY!We all need Sun, Earth to produce natural food with the help of water and seeds.The Sky which is emptiness in our systems for OGH and we can get that by fasting regularly at least once a week (Upavasam devised by our ancestors with fore thought)With all these 5 elements, we can have Shakthi, the energy we need to do all our activities both inside and outside our body.We dealt so far about body. But we have a mad monkey the Mind which is responsible for all our troubles and we need to keep it which can give OGH by way of Meditation etc.Above all, we have another unique boon which differentiates us from other living organisms to give our highest social order is Intellect (Budhi) which we need to use to discriminate from bad to good from unreal to Real.Hope I am sure we all understand these facts of life no science in the world can deny them. Life is wonderful in this creation and we need to protect is at any cost.Before I finish this topic one more thing that determines our personality and our thought, word and actions to make all of us different from each other. They are triGunas, Satvic, Rajasic & Thamasic which are again derived from Prakruthi ie Nature. As we all including monozygotic twins are different WE SHOULD NOT COMPARE WITH ANY BODY WHICH ALWAYS CAN LEAD TO PROBLEMS AND MAKES US UNHAPPY!These triGunas are in different proportions in all of us which is the reason why we all are different. These three Gunas dependent again what we breath, what we drink and eat. We need to cut down the rajasic and thamasic qualities and increase satvic quality which helps us to have the good thoughts, speaking good words and acting in a right way.WE NOW KNOW THE BASIC ACTIVITIES OF OUR BREATHING, OUR DRINKING AND OUR EATING AS SUGGESTED.Let us hope and pray we all at least try at this late stage our life and make our life worth living and to teach our children and youth to develop these qualities from younger age to think right, to speak right, to see right, to listen right and read right books from as early as 8 years of age to become a life habit.Please save this message and keep reading from time to time to remind us our responsibilities to have a worth while living not only serve ourselves but to serve others especially to those less fortunate's in our society.

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